Just listed-825 Ashley Lane, Walnut Creek, California

I’ve received numerous inquiries as to why I’m not representing my brother-in-law myself. Many have speculated that perhaps it’s because I’m “too close to the situation emotionally.” The truth is that I’m simply too far away geographically. It’s not my area of expertise. So I referred him to a fabulous agent in his local market who has a reputation for being an expert in his field.  Fun fact…I actually identified three Realtors in the area, each of whom I believed could do the job well. I presented each of them to my sister prior to her death, and she selected the one with whom we are ultimately working. I don’t know why really, but it does make me feel good knowing that she was part of the process.

If I can help you find a Realtor in your local area, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

825 Ashley Lane

825 Ashley Lane goes on the market tomorrow. Check it out for yourself and feel free to pass this along to your friends. It’s a spectacular house!!! I’m praying for a spectacular buyer!